Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dave Nash ~ A father's odyssey for child custody

Kenora Ontario 
Posted 5 hours ago
For most of us, Monday's are a struggle. This is especially true in July, when the weather gets nice.

Now imagine the journey of Dave Nash, who started off on foot from Kenora yesterday morning, hoping to put another 60 to 70 km under his belt. While he admits he's not Terry Fox, and he'll be walking some of those miles, it's still quite a feat (pun intended).

"People have had their families devastated by the Family Justice System," he said, during a short break before heading out.

The Guelph, Ont., resident started from Victoria and he's headed east.

"The reason I'm doing this is so that no other child has to go through this," he added.

Nash acknowledged his own son was caught in the middle of the custody battle between his parents, and it was during some important formative years, which was hard on everyone involved.

In his experience, the vast majority of parents seeking access are men, but there are also women who have approached him with similar stories.

"There's a gender bias," he said, before listing some of the terrible stories he's heard on his cross-country trek. For this reason, he said he's been met with great support along the way.

Since he hasn't got anybody accompanying him, strangers have offered him lodgings and provisions. He said his run has struck a chord with people from B.C. through the Prairies.

Originally, he'd hoped to break a record for the long-distance run, but he's had to revise his plans.

"I wanted to be able to run all of it, but my knees are killing me," he admitted, before hitting the road again.

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