President & Proud Father
Not All Dads Are Deadbeats
I am proud to announce that Not All Dads Are Deadbeats is now working hand in hand with the Canadian Auto Workers union local 127 to bring you a free public seminar on the topic of Grandparents rights. This unique event will take place on January 27th 2010 at the CAW hall in Chatham Ontario.
Throughout the years running NADADs I have spoken to a great number of Grandparents who have all expressed concern over the lack of laws to protect their access rights to their grandchildren. I look forward to providing support and solutions to this far too often overlooked segment of the population who are experiencing many of the same issues that we as parents face.
In keeping with that sentiment, I will be adding a new section to this website for Grandparents. I will also be adding a new section in the forums for Grandparents to meet and discuss topics relating to Grandparent alienation.
I would like to personally thank Brian Jacues - a retired auto union worker - for initially getting in touch with me and for his ongoing dedication towards the fight for greater Grandparents rights.
I would also like to personally acknowledge CAW Local 127 President Aaron Neaves for his support of the union workers and this cause.
At the seminar we will have Betty Cornelius, founder of, as a featured guest speaker. I will also be making a short presentation about NADADS and the support we provide.
Please get in contact with me if you have any questions regarding the seminar. We look forward to meeting with mothers,fathers and grandparents on the 27th.