Saturday, April 10, 2010

One of the Toronto Red Star's Feminists - Delacourt does Analysis: More woman trouble for Stephen Harper and his cabinet

The Toronto Red Star's Delacourt, below, is bringing out the I am woman, therefore here is my victim card  whining about the demise of Helena Guergis, the proven incompetent Minister for Feminist Canada. Guergis was less than stellar as a Secretary of State but still got bumped up to Junior Minister of female entitlements (AKA Status of Women Canada - SOW Canada). Recall her performance in Mexico when another woman, a criminal, was in a Mexican jail, and the MSM jumped all over it as though being a female and criminal in Mexico was somehow a great sin. Did we ever  see such a concerted campaign for a convicted criminal man in Mexico?  Guergis did not visit the woman saying if she did that she would have to visit everyone. Go figure the logic but the MSM had a martyr in this jailed and criminally convicted woman and would not let go.

She was an affirmative action appointment, as are others, and some just cannot function very well at all.  When affirmative action starts at the grass roots and many more qualified people are overlooked it will become pronounced if these appointees are given actual responsibility. Guergis is good eye candy and female but clearly she is not able to operate at the necessary level.  She has proven her inability to judge well by getting tied up with the sleazy Rahim Jaffer, the smooth talking name dropper and high flyer wannabe who got himself mixed up with some criminal  types whilst bragging about his ability to get in the door of the PMO and the Prime minister.

They are both shallow and rely on charm and looks which can't earn you a living in the real world on a continuous basis without substance unless it is under the table.

Delacourt admits the Conservatives have more females in Cabinet proportional to their membership but still whines, forgetting that Conservative male Ministers are subject to greater criticism on an ongoing basis.

She keeps the victim mentality of women alive as though they are no more than children.

The far left  socialist party  in Canada, ironically called the New Democratic Party, copied from the American left wing party, had this to say as quoted by Delacourt, an apparent socialist sycophant.

"On Friday, the New Democrats' critic on women's issues, Irene Mathyssen, issued a news release to argue that the Guergis "fiasco" is proof of the Conservatives' lack of commitment to women. "

This translated means, the sky is falling and women are again the victims of the cruel tyrants in the Conservative Party. This despite the over representation of women in Cabinet. She too brings out the victim card and the upshot is she implores we want no damn Junior Minister for women - we want a full blown bigger, more comprehensive, more expensive, and more entitlements for a single gender.  It is, as always, a zero sum game.

There is no Status of Men, Canada and there is no dedicated fund to assist men with their 4 times higher rate of suicide, their 8% chance of getting physical custody of children while moms get it in 90% of cases through social engineering by lawyers and family court judges, (many of the latter appointed by this same Conservative government.)  Men live 5 years less than women, have far fewer health care treatment/screening tests available under socialized medicine,  are falling further behind in university placements (its approaching 60% women getting degrees and 40% males, and through the misandry evident in the feminist camp (supported by the tax dollars from the same Conservative Government) fewer men are available to teach our sons. In Ontario female teachers in the 20-30 year old category outnumber men over 4-1. Part of the reason for this is the feminist branding of men as abusers and potential pedophiles. Boys, as a result, are highly feminized, seldom ever encountering a male teacher, and because their energy levels are higher than girls punished far more frequently for being "boys."

Delacourt further whines, "or the harsh discipline of strong performers who err." What harsh discipline for strong performers. Is she alluding that Guergis is one such person. If so Delacourt is seeing the landscape through an ideological and gender imposed prism. What is she smoking, I wonder.

Here is an interesting but all too frequent occurrence as opined by Delacourt: "There was no discernible outcry from women's groups on Friday, for instance, about Guergis's departure. It's doubtful that she'll be missed. Just last month, while she was at the United Nations boasting of progress Canada had made on women's issues, strong women's advocates in Canada were sending withering, dissenting reports to the UN to undercut her message.

These "strong" women's advocates are Marxist professional feminists living off, in most cases, the largess of Canada's taxpayers. I call them dead beat feminists who do not have - nor could they likely ever - land a real job in the private sector. The self same SOW Canada from which Guergis was ejected likely funds the seditious Marxists whining about their victim hood.

This has a purpose as the professional feminists at SOW Canada use these sycophants to ensure they are not cut further in their budgets. Self funded perpetuation. Give money to the professional whiners to ensure the government giving the money is castigated for not doing enough. Pretty simple, pretty seditious but pretty effective. The Marxist feminists are not stupid but they are miscreants and mendacious.MJM

Published On Sat Apr 10 2010

Susan Delacourt

Ottawa Bureau

OTTAWA–It isn't easy to be a female cabinet minister in Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government.

Just ask Helena Guergis, ousted as minister of state for the status of women on Friday, and also ejected from the Conservative caucus – a particularly severe form of punishment, unused to date against a Harper cabinet minister.

Or ask Rona Ambrose, the public works minister who will take overGuergis's responsibilities – as part of her slow rehabilitation after adisastrous run as environment minister in Harper's first year of power. Or Labour Minister Lisa Raitt, who was demoted from her natural resources ministry in the last shuffle after brutal gaffes surrounding missing documents and awkward, recorded conversations about "sexy"isotope crises.

Even the quietly competent and experienced Diane Ablonczy,relegated seemingly forever to junior status within Harper's cabinet,has been tagged as troublesome – losing her right to announce tourism programs last summer after she posed for pictures with drag queens while handing over funds to Toronto's Gay Pride parade.

Trouble, when it comes to Harper's government, often appears tocome in female form, whether it's the promotion of women who disappoint, or the harsh discipline of strong performers who err.

Maxime Bernier lost his job as foreign affairs minister in 2008 because of his attachment to Julie Couillard, an ex-girlfriend with alleged ties to biker gangs in Quebec. After weeks of controversy over possible security concerns in the Bernier-Couillard relationship, the minister finally lost his job when Couillard went public with the news that he'd left secret documents at her apartment.

Bernier was allowed to remain in caucus, however – a privilege not extended Friday to Guergis, which prompted speculation about what could be worse than a potential national-security breach.

Or is it simply a case of different discipline for different genders?

Harper's Conservatives have long been wrestling with suggestions that they are female-unfriendly. Belinda Stronach's explosive defection from the Conservatives to the Liberal cabinet in 2005 may have been an
early warning that this leader would have trouble with prominent females in his circle.

The recent political storm over the place of family planning and abortion in promoting maternal health – prompting a rare public reproach from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton – only further sealed an
impression that the Harper government is more preoccupied with hockey and winding down the gun registry than appealing to women and their concerns

(Ed note: Much is made of Clinton's undiplomatic talk but she could not get such measures through her own congress. It is Left Wing hyperbole.)

.Among parties in Parliament, the Conservatives have the smallest percentage of women in their caucus – just 16 per cent – but Harper has made sure women are overrepresented in cabinet, filling 27 per cent of the ministers' positions with women from that small pool.

Yet apart from Human Resources Minister Diane Finley, women are not in charge of the departments the Conservative government considers a priority, getting shuffled instead around the second-rung posts, junior
ministries or ministries of state.

Guergis's old department and Ambrose's new responsibility – status of women – has always stood on shaky ground as well with women's groups around the country. Ambrose comes to the job with a few more
credentials, having cut her teeth as a staunch volunteer for women's shelters in Edmonton before entering political life.

Yet the Conservatives' decisions to abandon a national child-care program, as well as cutting advocacy dollars to women's organizations and the equality mandate of status of women, has not helped any minister
in that post build strong constituencies of support across Canada.

There was no discernible outcry from women's groups on Friday, for instance, about Guergis's departure. It's doubtful that she'll be missed.

Just last month, while she was at the United Nations boasting of progress Canada had made on women's issues, strong women's advocates in Canada were sending withering, dissenting reports to the UN to undercut her message.

On Friday, the New Democrats' critic on women's issues, Irene Mathyssen, issued a news release to argue that the Guergis "fiasco" is proof of the Conservatives' lack of commitment to women.

"This government has proven through its actions, time and again,that women in Canada simply do not matter," says Mathyssen. She argues that by giving the status of women job to Ambrose, it has been further
downgraded to a part-time concern.

"We need a competent, capable, dedicated minister responsible for the status of women; not a junior minister and not `postscript' in someone else's portfolio."