Friday, July 31, 2009

Stunning National Post “media bias” case results in settlement of a defamation lawsuit

The Family Advocate - July 25, 2009 * Vol. 1, #6
Undoing a Smear
By Christopher JONES, ECMAS Director, Edmonton AB

A quiet legal victory occurred here in June 2009. Dr. Ferrel CHRISTENSEN accepted a settlement in a defamation lawsuit against the National Post and CanWest Global Communications for untrue allegations made against him in an article entitled “Scandal Taints Fathers’ Rights Group” published April 17, 2001. Dr. CHRISTENSEN received a full written retraction, the right to publicize all documents that had been revealed during the course of the case, as well as an amount of money which far exceeded his legal expenses of $100,000 (he is unable to reveal the exact financial terms/details of this settlement). Although not identified ECMAS is also exonerated by the facts exposed in these documents. All case files are available at:

Defamation suits prove Mark TWAIN’s maxim that “a lie can go around the world while truth is still lacing up her boots” - and such sensationalism was present in this smaller drama. The outrageously tawdry associations made in the National Post article attempted to paint the leadership of ECMAS as unacceptably tolerant (indeed, almost welcoming) of sexual predators and pedophiles. Despite being absolutely UNTRUE, it played into longstanding smears of men’s rights and equal-parenting groups.

Much of the smear was based on mischaracterizations of an obscure book Dr. CHRISTENSEN published in 1999 entitled “Pornography: The Other Side”. By reasonable standards, it is a fairly dry, tame, academic exploration of the history of social mores and attitudes towards sexuality. I would attest that I could not find anything that endorses pedophilia and that it fulfills none of the flimsy allegations made by Donna LAFRAMBOISE in her National Post article. It became clear through her testimony that despite claiming to have read this book, she had in fact depended heavily upon mischaracterizations from the main protagonist and had only actually read selected passages.

Another “fact” in the offending article presented an active volunteer, Paul ADAMS, in a very poor light based on his disbarment for his previous sexual misconduct involving a young client (he was saved by a pre-arranged police sting operation before any act occurred). Undoubtedly, Mr. ADAMS paid in full for the consequences of his stunningly poor judgment (which occurred after his own divorce) by being disbarred and detained. He accepted this punishment. After that, the significant time and expertise Mr. ADAMS generously volunteered in ECMAS meetings free of charge was not recognized as valued community rehabilitation but unfairly portrayed as devious exploitation. After this LAFRAMBOISE article he dropped out of regular participation in ECMAS activities.

It was shocking to learn of the methods employed by the supposed journalist. She displayed a complete disregard for engaging in a fair, accurate or balanced reporting of events, and indeed was an active participant in concocting the smear through unconscionable pressure tactics, misrepresentations, untrue characterizations, lack of fact-checking or objective evaluation. Furthermore, The National Post failed to exert any oversight whatsoever over the reporter’s actions, even after being repeatedly notified of severe problems with the reporter’s story and process. The lack of dialogue with any editor gave way to threats of legal actions which were also blithely ignored. It should come as no surprise that even today, The National Post yet to define a clear Ethics Policy1 for reporters.

This victory stands as a complete exoneration of Ferrel CHRISTENSEN and by implication ECMAS. Before Ferrel retired from his position as Professor at the University of Alberta Philosophy Department, he held a special expertise in the Philosophy of Science. For 25+ years he has been a major force and proponent of true gender equality and Men’s Rights by helping to found and support groups in Edmonton and throughout Alberta like MERGE (Movement for the Establishment of Real Gender Equality) and ECMAS (Equitable Child Maintenance & Access Society).

The legal battle has been a long, hard fought fight – one that many others may have given up when pressed so hard financially and by such a formidable opponent as National Post/CanWest. Most telling however has been CanWest’s own failure to publicize its own retraction and draw some attention to their journalistic weaknesses and operational shortcomings. It remains to be seen if The National Post/CanWest will adopt broader ethics practices consistent with its major role in the Canadian media spectrum.


1) This story investigated the ethical implications of investigative journalists misrepresenting themselves in order to conduct undercover investigative news pieces. In the process they polled major newspapers across Canada only to find that none had a publicly available, written ethics policy to help guide journalists in these activities. See “Lying to get the truth” by Shannon FAY. University of King’s College NS - Department of Journalism, Review, Vol. XIII, Issue 5, April 2009.

The Family Advocate is published by CEPC (Canadian Equal Parenting Council).

From OZ ~ Some truths about gender dynamics and Family Law

Amfortas is an Australian Psychologist:

Stolen generation Pt.1
. (Two Parts, by Amfortas)

A professional analysis of the Family Court’s ‘Bible’ that justifies the ‘ least detrimental alternatives’ to the traditional family. “We have a generation of fathers who are shell-shocked, heartbroken”. It was Adolph Hitler who first said that people will take any reduction to their freedom if you tell them it is in the best interests of the children. Could we not have a non-detrimental alternative, Amfortas asks.

Stolen Generation Pt.2.

The Family Court brings about the detrimental conditions that lead to a delinquent culture of fatherlessness in children. The ‘most deserving parent’ is chosen on genitalia. Professionals make judgements that cause parental alienation syndrome. A juggernaut is driven over Magna Carta. An equal society is replaced by a superior class of people.

Give a Dog a Bad Name. Pt.1. (Two parts, by Amfortas)

The mass media is anti-male by commercial design. Comprehensive study data shows the depth of disrespect for men. Even ‘Old-school’
feminists are appalled at the damage being done to men. The media is ‘Wrong, both factually and morally”, says MRA Amfortas. Government pays for an agitprop war on men’s reputation to frighten women. At what cost?

Give a dog a Bad Name. Pt.2.

Women have unconsciously adopted a habit of disrespecting men. “Men are feeling profoundly disappointed, disillusioned and disgusted” and are withdrawing their support and protection of women. Society, and women in particular, are losing a valuable resource needed for its healthy continuance. The Love of men. Is this what women want?

Sacred Cows in the China Shop. Pt.1. (Two parts, by Amfortas)

A female economist, Dr Jennifer Roback Morse takes on a leading Feminist in a debate. Women’s Studies Depts’ have no legitimacy and should be closed. They are academically bogus and “Ideologically biased”. A men’s Studies Dept could be better trusted to seek truth and answers to urgent social questions. Women dominate Universities and are driven by bias.

Sacred Cows in the China Shop. Pt.2.

A ‘Life studies dept’ would serve society better than a ‘woman’s studies Dept. “50 million unborn babies have died for women’s rights”.
Enough is enough. University cobbled Feminists ‘cherry pick’ studies and ignore contrary evidence to present false ideas to the public, corrupting their intellectual obligation and actively creating and manipulating a negative and destructive image about men.

Feminism is NOT good for Women. Pt.1. (Two parts, by Christian J)

Post WW2 Feminism adopted Marxist ‘conflict’ model, pitting a new ‘Class’ of oppressed women against an imaginary exploitative ‘patriarchy, according to Female Economist Jennifer Morse. Christian J narrates how women adopted it to assuage and project their guilt and resentment after so many male deaths in wars to defend them. Women were in work since WW1 and had parity in University education before WW2, long before the Feminist revolution of the 70s.

Feminism is NOT good for Women. Pt.2.

Christian J continues to show how the destruction of marriage and Family is against women’s best interests and is leading to profound unhappiness. Women participate in the public sphere by chemically neutering themselves during the peak child-bearing years. “The infertile career woman - and her close cousin, the single mother -is not exactly by choice, but more by default. These women are extremely disappointed.”

Also on YouTube

Deliberately Lying about Domestic Violence in Australia. Pt.1. ( Three parts; 2 by Amfortas and one by Christian J)

The ‘women’s Safety Survey’ was “uncorroborated, biased and manipulated” ‘Advocacy research’ orchestrated by the Office for the Status of Women and passed off as Bureau of Statistics report. It caused an enormous row, says MRA Amfortas. Manipulated definitions and hysterical claims copied from America made innocuous behaviour criminal. DV sells commercial products to women and expropriates public funds for the fastest growing ‘Industry in Australia.

Deliberately Lying about Domestic Violence in Australia. Pt.2.
Three other sources of ‘official’ data which are routinely manipulated and presented to support DV lies are analysed by Amfortas and compared to Independent University research which completely contradicts the ‘official message’.” It would be generous to think that this manipulation and bias was just the result of incompetence.
But as we can see there is something far darker behind it. It is corruption. It is deliberate.”

Deliberately Lying about DV in Australia. Pt.3. The Truth is out there – Somewhere.

Christian J narrates how the 2006 Australian Bureau of Statistics Personal Safety Survey completely contradicted the Government’s 1996 survey. He also points to the attempts by feminist bureaucrats to manipulate by having ONLY female interviewers to bias the results.
Results show women twice as safe as men. The Government has thrown a blanket of silence over it. Feminists maintain an undemocratic stranglehold, expropriating public monies for their anti-male ‘Industry’.

The Degradation of Women – by feminism (By Amfortas)

“In textbook leftist style, feminist supporters of the play ’Vagina Monologues’ cloak their attack on normal family values and morality under the guise of promoting awareness about violence against women.
One does not have to be a prude to see a weak excuse for pornographyand an anti-male agenda. But to disguise it as ‘awareness of abuse’, is an abuse of women’s minds and sensibilities.” Amfortas lauds Bridget Blanton for her stand and protests and against the glorification of lesbian rape of young girls.

The Wages of Spin (Pod by Amfortas. Also in video, see below))

Amfortas narrates the analysis of Paul Elam of the Pay Gap Myth, showing the mendacious and partial statistics promoted by politicians to anger women for political advantage. Women’s choices are intelligent and nurturing while men not only work longer hours but take the dangerous jobs that pay more. Dr Warren Farrell’s early rationales are sustained.

Everyday Family Terrorism (Pod by Amfortas. Also in video. See below)
“When Momma ain’t Happy, Nobody’s Happy”.

Amfortas and Paul Elam show how domestic violence and a lot worse are often caused by ‘controlling’ women who are willing to destroy their families to have their own way. Dr Eric Berne’s ‘Games’ are described including the major cause of broken families, the “Let’s you and Him Fight” strategy which uses the Police and Family Courts.

Is Feminism a Hate Movement? (By Amfortas)

Amfortas narrates MRA Fidelbogan’s well established, clear and logical analysis of the links between the spectrum of disaffection feelings that women have for men and the rise and sustenance of Feminism. This spectrum is lead from the top by hateful, sociopathic women and supported by ‘rent-seeking scum’ women in growing bureaucracies, who take immoral advantage.
Video. You Tube.

Everyday Family Terrorism

Paul Elam, Amfortas and Christian J show and tell of the damage done within families and society by intransigent people, in this instance Women, who are prepared to destroy their own families to get their own way. Erin Pizzey documented the effects of showing the Truth about violent women, for which she received Feminist death threats. Dr Eric Berne shows several 'Games' used including the 'let’s you and him fight' game so common today where cops and courts do the dirty work that leaves children unprotected.
Video. You Tube

The Pay Gap

Amfortas, Paul Elam and Christianj, examine the myth of the Pay Gap and show, name and shame the political women who lie to get the women's vote. Dr Warren Farrell demolished the mendacious claims but has been ignored by the media. Men do the dirty, dangerous work which pays well while women exercise choices that are more nurturing and 'safe'. The glass ceiling does not exist but the glass cellar does.
Excellent video production by Paul Elam.